Sunday, February 12, 2017

Wet California Winter

Santa Rosa Plum Bud Break - February 12, 2017
It's been a beautifully wet winter in California.  Some moan and whine.  I delight in the rare, rich rain.  Dormant spraying failed this winter as opportunities conflicted with rain events.  Today, fruit buds are swelling with the leader of the pack, Santa Rosa, breaking today.  The buds are plentiful; so when the winds come - and they will come- there should still be enough strong fruit to develop and enjoy in June.

Cherry tomato from the 2016 season.
Cherry tomatoes from the 2016 season continue to produce.  Even though the quality isn't premium like in mid summer; there are still cherry tomatoes on the sheltered side of a plant.  They can be smashed up with some peppers that are still hanging on for some fresh salsa.  It's time to pull the thing out and make way for a bed of beets.

Waltham 29 Broccoli
Broccoli was planted in late summer from seed.  I simply threw the seeds out and walked away.  Remarkably, every single seed germinated providing an abundance of produce.  It's already starting to bolt.  The cauliflower started with such promise; but the rain spoiled it.  Only enjoyed one head of cauliflower.  Sad!

Iceberg Rose
Little to no maintenance has been preformed on the roses yet this year.  They should have been pruned and sprayed by now; but, again, weather has re-directed garden efforts to thumbing through seed catalogs indoors.  When the sun does shine, weeds grow to Jack and the Beanstalk size.  No lie.  This afternoon, Ajax and I tackled weeds.  Tomorrow morning may erase all our efforts.

Regardless of this wonderful bounty of winter rain, I must ask Californians to continue to conserve water.  Get used to it.  It's a way of life.  This bounty is going towards replacing the debt from the drought years.  Thanks for doing your part.


  1. Maybelline, it's good hear from you. I'm glad to hear that you are receiving some rain to over come the drought years. We are still in Winter here? I use a question mark because it's supposed to be still below freezing every day but we have been receiving 50s and 60s for the last few days and weather men here say it will continue at least for another week. If this is still Winter, what will summer be like. The mild Winter is enjoyed by all but many times it's a bug infested Summer when that happens. If bugs abound then the wild turkeys that do bug control on Terra Nova Gardens will be fat by fall. My gardening will begin around Valentine's Day with starting onion and cabbage seed under the grow lights. In another two or three weeks the tomatoes and green peppers will be started. I can hardly wait to be out digging in the dirt. That won't happen until about the end of March.

    Have a great day out in the garden.

    Nebraska Dave
    Urban Garden

  2. Rain has been welcome just north of you, but I'm betting the dormant spray didn't work also. We traveled north last week to relatives and were wet most of the way. Drove past Oroville in the dark so we didn't see the problems.

    We harvested our last tomato about a month ago. Nice to have fresh salsa this late. Great to hear from you.

  3. So happy you've been getting rain.....and even happier that you know to still conserve.
    Happy Spring


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