My screwed up back doesn't allow me to work in the garden as I would like. I can't even get down and take photos. I simply get down as low as I can, point the lens in the general direction, then snap a photo. Most times it works. If it doesn't, I simply delete. Here's a sample of what's going on in the garden.
Garlic Chives are going to seed. |
The vegetable garden is still producing. In fact, the fall/winter vegetables have already germinated. Seeds of broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower were sown on Labor Day, September 3, with the majority of germination occurring just 3 days later on September 6.
Waltham 29 Broccoli
Peppers of all varieties are improving with the cooler weather. Some might not consider 95° cooler; but it is and there are fewer hours of the day dedicated to baking at those temperatures.
Bell Pepper |
A couple of Better Boy Tomatoes were planted earlier this summer with the thought of having fresh, large tomatoes into the fall. Looks like that plan is working out.
Better Boy Tomato |
Pumpkins continue to produce well. Daily squash bugs hunts continue as well. The pumpkins rest on dried grape leaves in an attempt to avoid rotting portions on the squash. So far, so good.
Jarrahdale Pumpkin |
Fruit trees that have fruit are Granny Smith Apple, Robertson Orange, Rio Red Grapefruit, and Variegated Pink Lemon. All the fruit trees are due for a haircut/pruning and a feeding. I would like to wait for the weather to cool down further; but it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon.
Granny Smith Apple |
The Red Flame Grapes set a second crop of berries this summer. The first issue was a bust. All the berries split and were moldy. These bunches aren't as tight and look pretty good. The berries a larger too. Don't know if they will be very sweet.
Red Flame Grapes |
Some flowers in the veggie patch are appreciating the change in weather too. All kinds of pollinators are attracted to the garden with the help of all kinds of flowering plants.
Calibrachoa Hybrid - Superbells Coralberry Punch |
Petunias without bud worms! |
There's tons that needs to be done before we're officially out of Swamp Pants Season:
- Turn the old tomato bed.
- Plant peas
- Plant sweet peas
- Clean up the overflowing boysenberry canes.
- Prune / feed roses.
- Clean out remaining tomato (Gold Currant) bed.
- Plant lettuce
- Plant onions
- Prune / feed all fruit trees.