Iceberg Rose Shrub |
Ebb Tide Tree Rose |
This year will really be a bigger challenge with the disastrous drought here in California. We all need to do our part and conserve water more than usual. It will still be more economical to grow my own vegetables and fruit rather than buy expensive produce from the grocer. However, I plan to solarize the raised beds to burn out nematodes this summer. If the temperatures remain this warm, I may be able to start that project much, much sooner than the recommended schedule of May - August. Tomatoes and peppers may be grown in bags of compost this summer to support my salsa habit.
I would like to know if anyone else is noticing the difference in their garden now and if mandatory rationing is expected where you live in California. Herds are being sold off. Acres will be fallowed. This truly will be the year of dust. Hopefully there will not be a spike in Valley Fever cases.
Good luck fellow Californians, I believe the rest of the world is about to feel just how important California's San Joaquin Valley is for their food supply.