Relying on my memory to recall what seeds were planted where is not a good plan. When the seeds are sown, I try to mark the information on the seed packet. Date, location, etc. Germination dates are jotted down if I think of it; but that's typically not recorded.
The information noted on the seed packet is then transferred to a wooden stake and pounded into the ground in the general area of the crop. This system works pretty well. The ink gets weathered down and can be erased with a light sanding making the stake available as another marker.
Carrots - Chantenay Red Core |
Even if the crop is easily identifiable, the variety may not. This group of carrots are Chantenay Red Core. They are supposed to grow well in heavy soil. The raised beds aren't heavy. These were planted because of other factors:
One of the sweetest, this variety was introduced in 1929 and is a large, stump-rooted carrot with a deep red-orange center; great for juicing or fresh eating. A good market variety that is smooth and refined in shape.
Lettuce - Cimmaron |
The salad bed has several varieties of lettuce that were planted at different times. The south 1/2 of the bed was planted about a month before the north 1/2 to allow for the impending shade when the Earth tilts away from the sun creating more shadows over the garden. The markers for the lettuce have that information recorded.
If more time could be dedicated in the garden, it would really be a Jeffersonian organization. But I live in the real world and simply do the best I can. Martha Stewart I am not.
Garden Update:
Apples - Granny Smith |
The harvest is complete from the Granny Smith apple tree. At one time, I wasn't sure that tree was going to recover from scorch. It really performed well this year. Now I will be busy in the kitchen making sticky apple muffins and apple/cranberry pies...all freezer friendly.