Sunday, February 12, 2012

Farmer MacGregor Strikes Again

The lumber was delivered Friday. Farmer MacGregor was busy sawing Saturday. He’s building supports for the Thorneless Boysenberries.  All of the bare root stock was planted and is now thriving where once azaleas died.

DSC_2238The plan is to create a hedge of boysenberries.  Farmer MacGregor creates supports for tomatoes, squash, beans, and sweet peas in the garden.  This should be no exception to his successes.DSC_2241There is only raw wood, post holes, and a plan.  The final result will be posted here.  Farmer MacGregor’s creation will surpass anything crazy, old Walter Knott came up with.

Photo lifted from

That’s Mr. Knott on the right.

1 comment:

Lo said...

Where can I get a Farmer MacGregor?

Good luck with your berries.