Today, Farmer MacGregor and I attended a pruning seminar at a local nursery. My intent was to glean information to correct some improper pruning on a crepe myrtle. I came away with pruning information for much more.
Blenheim Apricot just pruned damaged section. |
I asked the advice of many experts and regular gardeners whether the damaged lateral limb on the apricot tree should be pruned out. Dave Wilson, the grower of most all of my trees, instructed me to prune out the damaged portion and destroy. The damaged section was removed. Tar was applied to the cut end. A young limb near the cut was chosen as a replacement lateral and tied down with tape to start the process.
Blenheim Apricot damaged lateral limb. |
Even though no evidence of insects could be seen, I've convinced myself that this pruning was necessary to insure a better chance for this tree to remain healthy for a long time.
Ebb Tide tree rose before Ajax chewed it into the shape of a walking stick. |
Pruning of all types of roses was addressed with great interest from most of the audience. This inspired Farmer MacGregor to do some corrective pruning once we got home. Nine bare root roses were planted on January 20. Two Ebb Tide tree roses and seven Iceberg bush roses. Even though the dog chewed one of the trees, all the roses look as though they are still healthy and will grow to produce some nice purple and white flowers.
Shade trees, vines, dormant spray, fertilization, soil, and irrigation were addressed as well. The seminar might still be going on if the owner's wife hadn't interrupted reminding us that the seminar should have ended 1/2 hour earlier.
Tomorrow, Farmer MacGregor plans to tackle the crepe myrtle. I'm glad the seminar sparked him. I hope images of the crepe myrtles at The Dallas Arboretum inspire him.
How do YOU spell it? Crepe myrtle or crape myrtle?
After thought:
Ajax the wonder pruner! |
Ajax is now around 205 pounds at 2 years old. Pruning has been part of his existence from the start. Fig, wisteria, roses, and, yes, apricot have all been on his menu. I wonder if Ajax could be the cause of the damage to the apricot rather than a suspected borer. That mug looks pretty guilty to me.