Monday, May 19, 2014

Eenie Meenie, Jelly Beanie…

Sweet Olive Tomato
Today, some of the tomatoes are showing great signs of ripening.  Sweet Olive along with the larger Celebrity varieties now have a blush on their skins.  It will be salsa making time soon.  Salsa and catchup are my favorite only condiments.  The recent heat put the Serrano peppers into hyper mode.  I use more peppers than tomatoes in my salsa; so everything is aligning just right.

Now, I'm on the look out for another grape sized tomato variety.  Sweet Olive is determinate - they will all ripen at once.  I'll visit the local nurseries to see what is available.  By planting different varieties throughout the growing season should keep me in salsa for some time.  Has anyone tried the Jelly Bean variety?


daisy g said...

We grow Sweet Millions, a cherry tomato that is super sweet. Hope you enjoy all of your tomatoes!

dorothy said...

I'm not familiar with the Jelly Bean variety, but I heard that the Santa variety is supposed to be good.

Sue said...

My favorite cherry type is Matt's Wild cherry--a PROLIFIC producer of munchable goodness. Love em roasted on a pizza!

David said...

Maybelline, you lucky duck. Tomatoes almost already. We had a killing frost five days ago and I've had to replant all the tomatoes here. Now that first bite of garden fresh tomato won't happen until August. It is said that patience makes the heart grow fonder but I say it just makes the mouth drool more in anticipation. I simply refuse to buy those tasteless tomato clones that are found in the grocery store. I'll have to survive on the home made tomato soup until August. In the mean time I'll have to live through your blog posts with all your ripening tomatoes.

Have a great tomato ripening day.

Bill Bird said...

OK -- sorry to be a grammar Nazi -- and I only do this because I like and follow your blog Maybelline -- but it's KETCHUP, not CATCHUP. We resisted the urge to plant early, but lost that gamble as it really never did get cold again. Some people are starting to enjoy ripened tomatoes from their Sacramento gardens, but we're still many weeks off.


Bill, you're absolutely right. Thanks for pointing out the flub. You're no Nazi. Those guys stunk. You're a good blogging buddy.