Ajax Approved |
Bed #2 was prepared for solarization today. A deep soaking and 2 sacks of chicken fertilizer mixed into the soil before being covered. The manure is supposed to release volatile compounds in the soil that kill pests and help stimulate the growth of beneficial soil organisms.
Note: I believe the volatile compounds are released as soon as the bag is opened. Pee EWE! The 4ml plastic sheeting will be removed around September 6. Bed #1 will be planted in lettuce for the winter. Bed #2 will be the cabbage patch with broccoli and cauliflower.
Flying Saucer Morning Glories have been planted at the head of Bed #2. Thyme and oregano frame the rest of the bed. The morning glories should grow up to 15' and flower through the fall. Pollinators should enjoy these purple and white flowers. The plants enjoy dry heat. Congratulations. This is the place.
Ajax - December 2010 |
Bed #2 was last a successful cabbage patch in 2010. Fingers crossed. Let's hope for a healthy bed to be planted at the end of summer. The
soil solarization study by the University of California at Davis is fairly interesting and helpful if your garden is haunted with root knot nematodes.
Maybelline, wow, has it been four weeks already for bed one. This summer is slipping by way too fast. It still feels like spring here. The wet weather continues with 1.38 inches of rain last Saturday and more on the way today. The night time temperatures still are in the 60s every night and yesterday was the first 90 degree day in a long time. It just isn't the best weather for the warm weather garden plants like tomatoes and green peppers. The ground has never really dried out much since the spring thaw.
Have a great soil sterilization day.
We have certainly been getting some pretty intense solar power. These triple digit days are just awful. The high today and tomorrow here is supposed to be 107º and triple digits through all of next week. Well, at least it should put an end to those nematodes! Stay cool!
We may have to look into this. Our beds have had some of the problems listed in the article. Overall we have had much dying and lack of vegetables this year. This may be part of the answer. Thanks.
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