Thursday, December 31, 2009


DSC_1313_2709 This morning I harvested a head of cabbage to make a pot of Basque soup.  De-stinkin’-licous!  Basque soup is the ultimate peasant food.  Cheap, healthful, and de-stinkin’-licous.  The soup has a broth base with cabbage, leeks, carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, and tomato sauce.  Basque soup is served with pink beans and salsa – all in the same bowl.  Don’t forget the sourdough.  To be fair, Mr. Maybelline took control of the soup making and demoted me to sous chef.

I don’t know if this is how the French Basque or Spanish Basque really eat; but this is how the Bakersfield Basque do it.  Those looking to improve their eating habits should try this method of cooking with fresh vegetables and sparse amounts of meat.  The grocery dollar can be stretched even further if you grow as much of the ingredients as possible.

Note:  A packet of seeds sells for less than $2.00.  I believe that every stinkin’ seed sprouted too.  When the seedlings were thinned, they began to flourish  in the space they were tossed.  Cabbage is a delight to grow.  There is hardly any work involved to grow this nutritious crop.  I need more cabbage recipes.

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