March 26, 2009
Okay. What in the Wide World of Sports is going on with my Satsuma Mandarin Orange? I believe it may be blight. I’ve seen blight kill gardenias and the symptoms on my Satsuma are similar. The tips on the new growth has curled up and turned black. Leaf drop was out of control.
Thinking it was potted too low, I pulled it up a bit hoping that would help drainage. A moisture meter is used to try to keep the conditions right. It was fed. PVC pipe was driven deep down to help with aeration. Nothing seemed to work.
An arborist visited the garden on another assignment last weekend and thought the tree was still alive. He recommended a fertilizer and blah, blah, blah. I want to know what is happening to my tree.
A little research by me helped me to think the problem is blight. I’ve pruned out the damaged bits with shears cleaned with rubbing alcohol after each cut and tossed the damaged parts away.
What has caused my potted dwarf Satsuma to go from this:
To this:
If citrus is going to be so danged temperamental, I want nothing to do with it. I want vegetation that thrives in the conditions I have in the garden without having to be nursed and pampered along the way.