A quick post for a garden update using pictures (mostly) with few words:
Sweet Peas |
Sweet Peas continue to bloom but seed production is increasing. I've been taking bouquets to work for sometime now. Sweet Pea bouquets will soon be replaced with Lavender bouquets.
Crookneck Squash |
Crookneck Squash is trying produce despite some chewing varmint. I'll need to make a midnight investigation to determine the culprit.
Black Beauty Zucchini |
Zucchini was planted on April 29 along with radishes and parsley. Seeds germinated a couple of days later. I must now start my search for some unsuspecting neighbor or work associate to flood with gifts of abundant squash.
Thornless Boysenberry |
Boysenberries are starting to ripen. Bird netting has been installed to shoo away pesky birds that mistake the garden as their own personal fly-in diner. Scare tape works on most birds but hungry birds and those building nests laugh at the fluttering tape. Perhaps scare tape works like a neon sign to those birds saying, "Let's Eat" or "Vacancy". There are 3 known Mourning Dove nests directly adjacent to scare tape. Phooey.
Beets |
Sadly, the beets are about finished. I have no idea what variety I've grown. Whenever there was a bare spot, I would find a pack of seeds and plant. There's a complete mix growing; but they are starting to bolt. Supplies and the local Farmers' Market have dwindled too. Thankfully, I have a nice big jar of pickled beets in the refrigerator to carry me through until I find a source for the summer.
Carrots |
Some spent carrots were removed over Cinco de Mayo weekend and replaced with hills of green beans and marigolds. There are still carrots producing well in the former "Salad Bed". Once they have finished, they may be replaced with more onions. You can never have too many onions.
White Lisbon Onions |
White Lisbon and Spanish Utah onions were planted on April 16. White Lisbons are used as bunching onions and the Spanish Utah will be used for storage. However, all onion varieties are used as green onions as they are thinned.
Granny Smith Apple |
Most all the fruit trees have fruit - plum, peach, apple, apricot, grapefruit, orange, mandarin, lemon. They are all fertilized regularly and get pruned as needed. Those growing espalier require more attention than the citrus.
Strawberries |
I've lost track of the varieties of strawberries in the garden. Sweet Pinky was one variety and I can't find the name of the other. Nonetheless, the strawberries are popping and the birds know it.
Note: I still cannot post using Live Writer and am relying on Blogger (mostly).