I’m not growing nuts in the garden. My garden is going nuts.
The peach tree acts as though it’s in the Southern Hemisphere with its neighbor the plum tree. Both are currently blooming.
The grasshoppers are invading me like a Mormon nightmare. This sweet thing is affectionately known as Eileen (I lean. Get it?!). I’ve read that hot pepper wax is a good repellent and would like to read testimonials. I would hate for my broccoli to taste like salsa.
Thankfully, the roses seem to be behaving. The days are growing shorter and the temperature is bearable. With that, I will be planting the rest of the fall crop.
Tomorrow Today, I plan to harvest harvested all the pumpkins and pulled out the vines. This will be hard because there are still blooms on the vines. I need the room to plant garlic. Priorities.
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