They have started their invasion. Squash bugs. Creeps. Pyrethrum can help control the buggers; but I simply ripped out the pumpkin vines and did the Garden Croc Stomp on as many of them as I could. Pyrethrum may need to be applied because you know that I had to have missed one or two – million! The garden continues to be overrun with pill bugs too. Diatomaceous Earth is supposed to be a great, natural way to control these cousins to shrimp. I’ve never used it and will learn more about it with a visit to my local nursery. I blame heavy seedling loss to pill bugs. They simply need to get under control to allow my lettuce to flourish this winter.
These creeps have got to go.
Imagine my delight tomorrow when I say, “It’s October!”.
I have them too but my plants are done. I sprayed, and sprayed because here they can overwinter.
Eeesh-there's certainly a healthy crop of those! Good luck with getting rid of them. Stomp Stomp Stomp!
I HATE THESE BUGS! We'd had them everywhere :(
Yikes. Looks like an army. LOL! Hungry little buggers.
I feel your pain....literally. Squash bugs are our nemesis pretty much every year. We're pulling up the surviving squash this weekend.
Also, we've used DE on pill bugs with limited success. It helps but it's not going to get rid of all of them. I think the key to getting past the stage where the bugs will kill the emerging seedlings is to over-plant....ALOT. If it helps, cabbage loopers are eating our broccoli and cabbage seedlings. (misery loves company?)
Oooooo, creepy crawly...yes get rid of them!
Yuk! I think I'll just stick to shop-bought squashes!
* Everyone - yes, these beasties are creepy. Please see my post on October 2 regarding an insecticide. I simply do not want to buy squash at the store whenever I can grow my own.
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