Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Peaches Take 3rd Place

DSC_2264Today, the peaches (O’Henry) opened their buds.  Peaches follow plums and apricots.  The conciliation prize will, most likely, go to the apple (Granny Smith) tree.  The Warren Pear tree has never bloomed.  This year looks like a repeat performance.  The Fantasia Nectarine looks pretty puny.  If old Fantasia doesn’t get its act together, it is in extreme danger of being replaced.DSC_2265


ValHalla said...

Ah, to garden in California--or better yet, the Mediterranean!


Val: No no no no. I'll stay right here in safe California even though I'm amongst many fruits and nuts.

And Sow My Garden Grows said...

Hahaha. I enjoy CA too although your temps are better over there in Bakersfield for tomatoes (jealous) I wish we had more room for fruit trees!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Very pretty blooms:)