Full figure gal, Jane Russell, hocked Playtex bras to us in the 1970’s telling us that support can be beautiful. What on Earth does Jane Russell and beautiful support have to do with Maybelline’s Garden? Well, read on.
Farmer MacGregor recently set out to make beautiful supports for the Borlotto Solista beans. They’ve sprouted and will be in need of something to climb soon.The gentle farmer took some lumber scraps and cut pyramid tops to match the rest of his garden structures. He is known for his painting skills so he painted the support green. He painted almost all the structures in the garden green.
The gentle farmer whipped out his Eagle Scout skills and tied jute to the eye bolts and created a diamond pattern for the beans to enjoy. The wooden frame is screwed into metal stakes (painted green) to keep the wood out of the dirt and damp. When the beans have been harvested the jute can be clipped. The dried vines and jute can be put in the green waste.
Old MacGregor is pretty slick. Ain’t he?
Okay. The association between Jane Russell’s beautiful support and the beautiful support Farmer MacGregor constructed is a stretch. Here’s a nice clip as a payoff for making it to the end of this post.
Note: Ms. Russell has an impressive list of accomplishments. However, her contribution to beautiful support suits this post. If Ms. Russell were to even read this post I think I would spin. What a life she has enjoyed.
I would comment, but I'm still stuck on that first pic. ;)
Maybelline, you and Farmer McGregor have been busy! You garden is always so neat and tidy. I love the painted stakes and drying rack. I am now seriously jealous. My man isn't much into gardening, so I usually trod along on my own. He did help me plant this year, and put out supports and twine for my climbing beans. There's no place I'd rather be than in my garden! I, too, love the book 'Carrots love Tomatoes'. Invaluable information. : ) Melissa
Snort! Your blog is funny. And really great. I found it on blotanical, by the way.
Cheers from Canada.
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